Receiving antennas
Here are the receiving antennas setup on the house. They are mainly used for the scanners, ADS-B decoder and APRS.
To the left is the log periodic CLP-5130 antenna for 105 - 1300MHz. It is on a Yaesu rotator.
In the middle is an array of 3 patch antennas - L-COM RE1208P-SM, 8dBi, 1.2GHz, used on the ADS-B decoder for commercial aircraft. The array is going through a combiner then a pre-amplifier before connecting to the decoder.
To the right is a Diamond vertical X510HDM 2m/70cm, 8.3/11.7dB gain, 17.2' tall. Currently this is used for the APRS IGate but will be added on the scanner line this summer.
(Click to Enlarge)
To the left is the log periodic CLP-5130 antenna for 105 - 1300MHz. It is on a Yaesu rotator.
In the middle is an array of 3 patch antennas - L-COM RE1208P-SM, 8dBi, 1.2GHz, used on the ADS-B decoder for commercial aircraft. The array is going through a combiner then a pre-amplifier before connecting to the decoder.
To the right is a Diamond vertical X510HDM 2m/70cm, 8.3/11.7dB gain, 17.2' tall. Currently this is used for the APRS IGate but will be added on the scanner line this summer.
(Click to Enlarge)
VHF - UHF Amateur radio antennas
For the VHF and UHF amateur radio bands, I have a Diamond X510HDM with a Cushcraft A148-10S Beam 144 - 148MHz, 13.2dBi. My Cushcraft is currently not operation since the relay does not have the control wire connected yet. A HAM 4 is used as a rotator. The antenna are mounted on a telescopic tubular tower, capable of 56 feet. On the picture, it is raised at 38 feet.
HF Antenna
This is my only HF antenna - the Titan DX. It is a 25 feet vertical with the following bands:
10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m and 80m
10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m and 80m